Synchronized the AI pack fixes in Anvil for the incorrect chapel markers.
Twenty-First Release (2015-Jan-31) Knights of the Nine bugs fixed (v1.1.6):
Repeatedly sending the Dark Minion out on missions will no longer result in the Minion failing to work properly due to certain variables not being reset.
Corrected several hellos for the player that were meant to play between 6 PM and 4 AM but were occurring at any time of day.
Corrected Ancotar’s invisible creatures attacking the player despite their wearing the Boots of the Crusader.
Corrected the altar of Zenithar not being edited by Knights.esp, resulting in the altar failing to give a blessing once the pilgrimage was done.
Corrected all wayshrine scripts: fixed an unofficial patch error where it was impossible to complete the pilgrimage if your infamy exceeded your fame fixed an unofficial patch error where wayshrines would not show a message about completing a pilgrimage to reset infamy, but would still reset infamy if the entire circuit was completed corrected chapel altars failing to work if you completed the pilgrimage but did not receive the Pilgrim’s Grace power (i.e., you had infamy) corrected another loop through the wayshrines with no infamy “buffering” an infamy clearing, resulting in only having to go to one wayshrine.
Twenty-Second Release (2015-Aug-02) Knights of the Nine bugs fixed (v1.1.7):
Nilphas Omellian will no longer be essential after all upgrades have been purchased.
Removed plugin-added arrow charge values, in line with the Unofficial Patch’s fix.
Dahlia Rackhamwill no longer be essential after all upgrades have been purchased.
Aurelinwae will no longer be essential after all upgrades have been purchased.
Corrected Beem-Kiurz and Aron Verethi’s schedules to match changes made to Marz’s and Avrus Adas’, respectively.
Ursanne Loche will no longer read in the Chapel of Mara if it’s been attacked by Aurorans and desecrated.
Corrected one line of Knight-to-Knight conversation to prevent Lathon from saying it and corrected another that was erroneously blocking him from saying it.
Prevented several lines of Knight-to-Knight conversations that referred to the player as male regardless of the player’s sex from playing if the player is female.
Twenty-Third Release (2016-Jan-30) Knights of the Nine bugs fixed (v1.1.8):
Corrected changes from version 1.0.14 not being mirrored into the SSSB plugin.
Corrected the plugin’s quest triggering prematurely (other plugins had conditions which prevented them from starting until the player left the Sanctum).
“Umaril - yes, your children know that name…” -> “Umaril - yes, your children know that name…” (extra space).
“Repent! I say again, REPENT!” -> “Repent! I say, REPENT!”.
“Look well upon the Chapel of Dibella…” -> “Look well upon this Chapel of Dibella…”.
The Prophet’s “loremasters” speech will no longer link back to his main speech – if this happened, and his speech tried to link to the “loremasters” rant again, it would cause him to say goodbye to himself.
Corrected several responses to the “Prophet” topic that set a quest stage suggesting that the player go listen to his preaching only appearing after the player had already met the Prophet and agreed to quest for the Crusader’s Relics.
Corrected the Prophet mispronouncing “Adabal-a” as “Abadal-a” (Sound\Voice\Knights.esp\Imperial\M\NDConversations_NDProphetSpeechUmaril_00002A5D_1.mp3 and NDConversations_NDProphetSpeechUmaril_00002A5D_1.lip).
Corrected the dead versions of Errandil and Ohtesse looking nothing like them.
Twenty-Fourth Release (2016-Aug-13) Knights of the Nine bugs fixed (v1.1.9): (Meshes\Architecture\Bravil\UOMPSundercliffWall02.NIF) In the course of integrating his work into the patch the opportunity has been taken to rationalize the structure of some nifs, this may also improve performance. Pherim corrected this by converting the meshes in each nif to TriShapes, which resolved the problem.
This mesh was identified by Pherim as containing TriStrips with composed of multiple strip lengths, this was causing the Oblivion game engine to make multiple draw calls for each strip segment rather one for each TriStrip which was impacting performance.